Right now you are being asked to let go of negative emotions.
The wise and compassionate Archangel Zadkiel is asking you to look at any long-held anger and the places in your life where you’ve been letting yourself feel like a victim.
When we allow what’s happening outside of us to affect our inner well-being, we can get angry, blame others or circumstances, and start feeling like life is happening TO us. Instead of FOR us.
This is exactly the time when Zadkiel will typically show up with a for a message for you! Almost like an intuitive nudge and the thought that “it doesn’t have to feel this way,”!
Zadkiel gifts are here to support us in remembering our divine origin and mission and show us that through compassion and forgiveness, we are able to access higher states of being.
He’s even asking us to practice unconditional kindness on ourselves, for our own imagined slights or wrongs! Like the places you are judging yourself harshly and are the victim of your own thinking.
The times in my life when my inner critic is the loudest and I’m beating myself up for all the things I haven’t had time to accomplish, or I’m holding myself accountable for the mistakes in my past, I call on Zadkiel.
He lovingly reminds me I’m here for a divine purpose and mission, and by continuing to hold anger, even at myself, I’m focusing on the wrong things.
Zadkiel shifts my focus back to the bigger picture and the divine light within me. Since he is also known as the “angel of memory,” he reminds me of all the good I HAVE done. And that my self-judgement doesn’t serve anyone.
He helps me modify my negative thinking into a space of peace.
When any of us start getting into a negative state of mind, it’s difficult to connect to our highest self and the divine wisdom that’s around us all the time.
Zakiel’s message is super clear:
“You are responsible for your own happiness. No one and nothing outside of you holds what is rightfully yours. Release any negative energies within or around you, and any anger you’re holding onto about these negative situations or people.”
To activate the power of compassion and forgiveness in your own life, Zadkiel asks you to create a list of events, situations, or circumstances that it’s time to let go of energetically. You can write them out under the heading “Things to Let Go”.
These can be conditions that upset you about what someone else has done (or didn’t do) or actions you need to forgive of yourself. For each item, ask Zadkiel to help you transform the energy surrounding it into compassion.
You’ll know you’re complete when you have a sense of calmness and faith that you are exactly where you need to be. Right here, right now.
Today’s Affirmation:
“I trust Zadkiel to increase my compassion and my ability to forgive myself and others. I also ask him to help me remember that things happen FOR me, not TO me and that I am here to fulfill a divine purpose on my soul path.”
Repeat this affirmation to yourself a few times each day until you feel fully supported by Zadkiel and connected with your divine mission.