The World Is In A State Of Confusion... But It’s Much Bigger Than A Pandemic, [NAME].

Humanity is Facing Unprecedented Challenges: Confusion of the Soul & Lack of Purpose…

You’re Here Because Your Soul Is Guiding You Back To Clarity.

Every time you turn on the TV, it’s another calamity…

Every time you check your timeline, you see someone else doing something awesome while you continue to scroll…

Every time you commit to the next self-help book, the words start to blur together as you find the exact same advice from the last life-coaching guru…

This time though, it’s different, [NAME]

As much as it feels like there’s a war between your mind and your soul, they are both agreeing in this exact moment: it’s YOUR time. 

Your highest self is ready to reveal to you the information that you’ve always wanted to know, but truly hadn’t been ready for...until now. 

No one can give you permission to live your life like this -- this is ALL UP TO YOU, [NAME]!

I can sense that you’re done looking outside yourself for validation, direction, and purpose.

And you are longing for something much deeper…

The world needs YOU, [NAME], in all your authentic, confident, power! 

I want to reassure you that there is a way to find the way back to your unique path...

What I’m about to share with you will empower you like never before…

You’re about to discover YOUR specific roadmaps to finding your true soul’s purpose in this lifetime.

My dear [NAME],  

My name is Fortune Alexander and maybe a lot like you, I spent a lot of my earlier years in pain and suffering. 

Never feeling good enough, or appreciated, always seeing the flaws in myself and just wishing I was someone else.

It got so bad I actually dropped out of high school my senior year and left the United States to spend time with my ancestors in Asia near the Himalayas. 
Turns out this was the greatest blessing of my life, because I soon learned the tremendous power of going WITHIN, and connecting directly with the Source of all Life!

My days were spent either harvesting the crops on our sacred land, meditating in silence, or having deep conversations with the elders about the essence of life itself. 

And over the course of three wonderful years, I learned mastery of myself and the body, mind and spiritual connection.

I gained clarity on myself unlike anything I’d ever experienced, and it was so peaceful and incredible…

When I finally returned to the states, I finished my education and even received my Bachelors degree in Astronomy. I’d spent so many nights and early mornings gazing and connecting with the constellations and stars… I was fascinated to learn all I could.

It wasn’t long before I began doing astrological readings for my friends and family, and they said it was unlike anything they’d ever experienced on websites or newspapers. 

But I wanted more… more knowledge, more accuracy…

So I learned all I could about the magic of Tarot cards, and specifically, the Birth Tarot Card that is meant for each and every one of us on the day you were born!

The more I got familiar with the Hero’s Journey that’s explained so well with Tarot, the more I started to understand where I was in my own journey

As I gave readings, they hit home more deeply than ever and I was even able to “predict” future events with an uncanny accuracy. 

That’s when I knew that it was a part of my purpose to enlighten others and help them shine their light… by sharing these readings with as many blessed beings I could.

It’s no coincidence that you’re here now, [NAME]... I’m supposed to help you shine your light, too! 

In the past, I would only spend my energy crafting these unique reports for those I felt especially connected with, but I feel it’s a part of my soul’s mission to help others feel just as empowered as I do (especially right now).

The Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading is no small task to put together, my friend…

But it’s worth sharing with you, [NAME]!

I’m able to channel the exact messages the universe is eagerly trying to send you from your own individual “network” of spirit guides, angels, and ancestors that wish to see you live the abundant, successful, fulfilling life that you deserve…

It’s like seeing into your future...
Your Astro-Personality Roadmap reveals to you who you really are at your core from your natural gifts, your innate challenges, and ways to improve these areas of your life.
Your Astro-Health Roadmap uncovers your largest obstacles in improving your wellbeing, giving you an opportunity to boost your health, truly embodying your highest self.
Your Astro-Connection Roadmap helps you understand the types of souls you naturally connect with and build authentic, intimate relationships with people around you.
Your Tarot Birth Card Story is what your “network” has always wished to share with you -- the spiritual story of where you are currently in your life and where you’re going to be!
Finally, your Sacred Number that’s also in conjunction with your Tarot Birth Card Story will inspire you to pursue the mission you incarnated to fulfill.
You’ll be amazed at how much your Sacred Number ties all of the information above together, [NAME]

Finally... you’ll see how everything is intricately connected...

And it’s all in your Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading!

Honestly, it was difficult to put a price on this information because the power that you’re about to unlock within yourself is invaluable

Because The Only Thing That Is Holding You Back From Meeting Your Higher Self Is YOU , [NAME].

And if that isn’t enough (it should be), I’m adding some extra special bonuses to make your decision easier...

For a limited time, I will be offering to dive even deeper than I have ever before…

The first valuable Add-On Is the SACRED TAROT GUIDEBOOK...

In this special report, you’ll receive knowledgeable insights about this spiritual tool that your ancestors from all over the world have relied on to guide them in the right direction! 

If it worked for them for thousands and thousands of years, this sacred knowledge is sure to work for you, too, [NAME].

This is normally $19 all on it’s own, but I’m offering this as a part of this special package today before the timer hits zero!

The Sacred Tarot Guidebook also explores the details of Tarot that you need to know to decode your universal messages. 

You and I both know that you’re a highly developed soul within your human body…

With this special bonus, you’ll learn how to truly use your body as a vessel to channel insights that your spirit team wants to share with you! 

You’ll even learn about different suits, spreads, and the infamous Hero’s Journey that we all experience on an individual level…

Bonus #2 is the SACRED NUMEROLOGY GUIDEBOOK,where you’ll learn about how there are signals and messages being shared with you all the time…

Numbers have immense power, and much like astrology or tarot they’ve been used for millennia to send and receive vital messages.

Catching 111, 444, or 777 in the corner of your eye is no coincidence!

This guide will give you the ability to read numbers like never before, and receive their information with ease...

It will also highlight the numbers your angels are encrypting hidden messages directly from your spirit network. 

Soon, this skill will be yours too...

This Sacred Numerology Guidebook is also usually sold by itself for at least $19!

Bonus #3 may just be the most powerful of all… you’ll join my exclusive members-only list where I send out my daily astrology, tarot and numerology readings… for FREE!

In the past I’ve charged $67 a month for members to join this special community, and they’ve stayed with me for years because it’s so valuable.

But I decided to include this at no additional cost to you, today, during this special promotion only.

So if you’d like to receive the universal messages and wisdom I channel through these powerful fields, and use this to give you an inside-track to overcoming hurdles and seeing opportunities BEFORE they appear…

I strongly urge you to grab this up now, while it’s being included for free!
All together, you’re saving at least $107 right here just with these exclusive bonuses... but this offer will only be available for TODAY!

So… please accept my gift and meet your higher self, guides, and angels on the other side....
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I can sense you're finally ready to learn the real “why” you’re here…

Especially now, in the midst of all this craziness…

So I'm going to make this enlightening experience 10x easier and more exciting for you…

The normal price for your Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading
(not including bonuses) is $67… 

But I’m ready to offer you the opportunity to access everything right now for only...

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The information that you’ll be exposed to has no earthly measure -- the abundance, happiness, love, and acceptance that you’re finally going to feel is ineffable.

But Don’t Just Take My Word For It, [NAME]... Listen To What Other Astro-Tarot Members Have To Say:

Astro Tarot Reading Member
My Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading already gave me so much insight about myself and what was holding me back from living the life that I truly wanted to live, but the Sacred Tarot Guidebook really changed the direction of my life...

Not only did I learn about myself, but now I learned how to intuitively read Tarot cards and help others fulfill their purpose everyday!

Thank you, this changed my whole career!
Marta C.
Astro Tarot Reading Member
I’ve always struggled with finding myself spiritually.

Everyone made it sound like meditation and yoga were the keys to finally finding peace in my life, but Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading revealed information that finally helped me connect with my higher self.

Never before have I felt so sure of my decisions and the direction I am heading in life.

I can’t imagine where I would be right now if I hadn’t taken the leap!
Mark S.
If this isn’t already one of the easiest decisions you’ve ever had to make in your life, I’m going to make this process even simpler.


Humanity NEEDS you to fulfill your mission, [NAME]the world can’t wait any longer!


I have yet to hear any complaints about the Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading!

Literally, I want to give you an entire year to experience the magic that your Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading will bring to your life.

You’ll have 365 days to read every single word all about you with channeled messages directly from your higher self.

If you don’t feel that it has COMPLETELY renewed and rejuvenated to work towards your unique purpose in this lifetime, you won’t have to pay a dime!

If this program just doesn’t align with the future you’re trying to create, I won’t get in your way. All you’ll need to do is send me a quick message and I will happily refund your money back, no questions asked!
I just want to see you really become you.

The confident YOU.

The successful YOU.

The unstoppable YOU.

I know that your Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading will help bring the true you out for the world to see.

Try Your Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading Risk-Free For 365 Days With Our “No Questions Asked” Guarantee

So Today You'll Receive Your Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading plus amazing bonuses

For just $67 $19!

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You don’t have to keep waiting on the sidelines for something amazing to happen in your life, [NAME] ...

The moment has now come -- you are destined to change your life with your Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading!

I want to inspire you to TAKE ACTION TODAY, [NAME] .

Because in order for you to truly experience the freedom that your soul wishes to feel, you must tap into the flow of abundance, health, and love frequency!
Just imagine how different your life could feel a few months from now, [NAME]

Walking Into Your Power, Living in The Flow of Abundance, and Completing The Divine Mission That Your Highest Self Came to Fulfill [NAME]!

No one said that your path would always be easy

But... your guides have lead you here in this exact moment to reassure you that you ARE on the right path. 

In no time at all, you’ll experience what true bliss feels like as you continue to walk the path that was truly intended for you. 

All you have to do is start today... this one small step will create a ripple effect that doesn’t just change the trajectory of your life, but will positively impact even the generations that will follow you. 

That's right... your legacy is all up to YOU.

YOU choose the life you’re going to live -- no one else. 

What’s it going to be, [NAME]?

Can you bear to live the same life that you’ve been living another day? 

Or are you ready to claim your power once and for all?

If you’re ready to discover the biggest challenges your personal traits create and how to solve them, your Astro-Personality Roadmap is waiting for you in your Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading.

If you’re ready to become the superhuman you always knew you could be, your Astro-Health Roadmap is patiently waiting to be unveiled.

All of the friendships you need and your one soul-fated lover is waiting for you to discover your true capacity to love by diving into your Astro-Connection Roadmap

Most importantly, your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors are rooting you on. They’re so excited to share with you the sacred knowledge your personal Tarot Birth Card Story holds…

Not to mention the high vibrations that your Sacred Number is ready to share with you... 

Click the button to begin your transcendental journey of self-mastery now...

My Inbox Is Flooded With Stories [NAME], Will You Be Next?

Astro Tarot Reading Member
My Grandmaster Astro-Tarot Reading really helped me understand why I kept switching jobs every 6-months. After learning about my natural gifts, becoming my own boss came so naturally to me!

It also showed me the other types of people that I work best with, so I focused on finding them and my clientele went through the roof! 

Now I feel like I am finally living the life that I’ve been wanting to live -- free and on my own terms! Thank you so much! This changed my life!
Kelly M.
Astro Tarot Reading Member
For so long I felt like I was going to be alone. Every relationship I had was unfulfilling and drained me of my energy.

Now that I’ve learned about myself, I’m able to set energetic boundaries and make friends that give back to me as much as I give to them. I’ve never felt closer to the people in my life before!
Daniel V.
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